Collaboration Over Competition. Why We Choose to Support Other Nonprofits.
Collaboration over competition- a term designed to unite business owners and move away from the idea that there is only so much to go around. Although this phrase was originally targeted towards for-profit businesses and entrepreneurs, the same can be said for nonprofits.
The truth is, there is plenty to go around! When we collaborate, support one another and share ideas, we are stronger as organizations and as a community. We are lucky to have partnerships with so many animal rescues in our area: Safe Haven Pet Sanctuary, Happily Ever After, Hidden Paws Network, and Saving Sully Dog Rescue. Some came before us, some came after us, and others started right around the same time. No matter how long any of them have been around, we continue to be inspired by the positive change they bring to Northeast Wisconsin. Together, we can get together and encourage one another, share ideas, and come away from open conversations better than we were before.
At the end of the day, we all want the same things, a better world for humans and animals.
This year especially, we have inspired by several other nonprofits in our area that are not directly related to animal welfare. Wait, what?? Yep, you heard me right! Organizations like CP, On Broadway, INC, Big Brothers Big Sisters, YoungLife Green Bay and the Micah House are taking their dedication to Green Bay to a whole new level. Their focus and commitment to creating a safe, beautiful, inclusive, accessible, and open community is leading the way for a bright future. CP recently collaborated with two other nonprofit organizations, Curative Connections and Aspiro to bring a local artists mural to Broadway in Green Bay! Their investment in the city shows that we can all dream without limits- for ourselves, for our communities, for our friends and family, and for the organizations that we love. This September we are also supporting CP by commiting to the Forsite MOVE challenge! Our team will be putting our smart watches to go use by helping CP bring awareness to their organization and raise funds through the support of Forsite.
So why? Why do we choose to support other nonprofits? Why do we collaborate and speak openly about our plans, our goals, our failures? Isn’t it obvious? Everyone has their niche. Every group has something they excel at when other groups may struggle in that area. Although in someways we might compete for certain funds, volunteers, or supporters we are still stronger when we work together. We have similar values, similar ideas, and we all want a future that is full of possibilities for the generations that come after us. One organization might be a great fit for one person and not for another, and the truth is there is absolutely nothing wrong with that! We want everyone to find a place where they belong, where they find their people, and they feel a connection to making the world a better place. We support other nonprofits because it is the right thing to do. We support other nonprofits because they are leading the way. We support other nonprofits because they inspire us. We support other nonprofits because they open our minds to thinking about something in a new way.
We support other nonprofits.