Meet teabeanie


Teabeanie - fun overload

Age: 10 months Weight: 45 pounds

Gender: Female Breed: Carmel Swirl Latte

Teabeanie is just about as sweet as they come! Although she is still a puppy, she is wise beyond her years. She knows her name, sit, down, and come.  She is well on her way to mastering stay and heel. She is crate and house trained. She is working on her puppy behavior to not get too mouthy when she gets excited and not lounging at those big scary moving objects (cars, bikes, motorcycles), when she is on her walks. But fear not! Grab those treats, and she will be the perfect student! 

She is working on being brave when it comes to new people and new things in general.  Water is a no- go for the sweet girl. But with some encouragement, she adjusts quickly. She does well with adults and the young kiddos in her foster home. Her foster reports that she lights up whenever the kids are around! 

One of her favorite things is to go for walks! Not only does she enjoy them but needs them to get all out her puppy energy out! This girl has energy for days! Besides walks, she enjoys playing with toys, tug o war, being outside, running, and car rides. If there was one word to describe this cutie it would be: lover. She is all about the cuddles and being around her people, especially if she can hop up on your lap! 

If this girl sounds like a dream come true, don’t hesitate and apply below!