Meet pixie


pixie from dixie

Age: 3 years Weight: 28 pounds

Gender: Female Breed: Cinnamon Apple Strudel

At three years old, Pixie has a past, but she is looking toward her future with a hopeful gaze. She has come a long way since she's been in a foster home here. She has all the big girl doggo stuff down and has added riding in a car to her list of accomplishments. She loves to follow her nose on walks and finds bugs in the grass an endless source of outdoor fun. A crate filled with blankets and toys is her me time favorite. Pixie believes that anything worth having is worth waiting for and she applies this rule when meeting new people. Give her a bit of time to warm up and you will see a sweet little girl who loves to play and be loved on. A home with adults and older kids (and maybe another dog...or cat!) would be ideal.

Pixie is in the market for a bff (best family forever) and if you think it could be yours, please apply below.