Meet josie


josie-not a member of josie and the pussycats

Age: 1 year Weight: 70 pounds

Gender: Female Breed: Unknown

This (not so little) ball of energy comes to us locally. She does well with people and kids of all ages. Dogs are friends, but cats are foes. She would thrive in a home with doggie siblings and family who will keep up with this active girl! If you love walks, going on random car rides, hanging out with other dogs, or being out in nature, this girl will be by your side every step, or seat, on the way! Vacuums are said to be a sworn enemy of hers. Distracting her with some of her favorite things should do the trick; especially if there are treats involved!

Speaking of being treat motived, Josie is working on walking on a leash without pulling; especially when there are other critters around; she wants to know what they are all about! Josie is also well on her way to being fully housetrained. She knows her name and has mastered the sit command. Her foster says that although this girl can go- go- go, she also knows the joys of relaxing. She loves a good lap to sit on and cuddling is one of her favorite things.

If you are looking for a little bit of everything wrapped in the sweetest package, Josie is it! Apply below to meet this sweet girl.